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Интервью с Де Ниро и Розенталь (22-04-2007)

anton: Интервью с основателями Tribeca Film Festival Робертом Де Ниро и Джейн Розенталь 22 апреля 2007 года Скачать (9.54 Мб) http://www.showbuzz.cbsnews.com/stories/2007/04/25/movies_tribeca/main2725476.shtml [quote]TRIBECA FEST IS A CALL TO ACTION The Tribeca Film Festival kicks off Wednesday. This year the festival will premiere 159 feature films and 85 short films selected from over 4,000 submissions. The films come from 47 countries. Actor Robert De Niro, producer Jane Rosenthal, and husband Craig Hatkoff founded the festival in 2002 after the attacks on the World Trade Center. Their goal was to help economically and culturally revitalize lower Manhattan through an annual celebration of film, music and culture. In an interview on Sunday, De Niro said he is very happy that Al Gore will be hosting the opening gala night, with the premiere of seven films on global warming. Co-founder Rosenthal agreed, saying, "I think the festival, because of how we started, has always been a bit of a call to action." She added that these films are great because they inspire us and give us hints of what people can do to fight the battle against global warming. This year, De Niro said he won't be as involved in the festival because he is working on filming a movie called "What Just Happened?" The movie is based on the experiences of producer Art Linson. The sixth annual Tribeca Film Festival will run from April 25 to May 6. In its first five years, the festival attracted over 1.5 million attendees from the United States and abroad and created more than $325 million in economic activity for New York City.[/quote]

Ответов - 6

anton: Де Ниро выглядит круто

Александр: В смысле хорошо и бодро? Самое главное чтобы со здоровьем у него было все впорядке!

kondor: Да, отлично выглядит!

Alina: Второй раз вижу у него пластырь на пальце. Первый раз - осенью, на Римском фестивале. Что это с ним?

anton: Может порезался, когда картошку чистил?

Helen: Они просто молодцы, что основали этот фестиваль - и культура развивается, и деньги на борьбу с глобальным потеплением идут. Здорово. Боб на фото немного напоминает мне моего соседа по лестничной площадке. Хорошо выглядит, да. anton пишет: Может порезался, когда картошку чистил? Наверное.

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